Simple Sleep Solutions

"Simple Sleep Solutions" is a comprehensive course to help you tackle the ins-and-outs of your baby's sleeping needs - all in an easy-to-follow format. Here's what you'll master:

  1. Understanding Sleep Cycles and Phases: Gain insight into how babies transition through different stages of sleep, helping you better understand and respond to their needs.
  2. Recognizing and Preventing the Overtired Zone: Learn to identify the signs of an overtired baby and discover strategies to avoid this common pitfall.
  3. Optimal Bedtimes for Every Age: We provide age-specific guidelines for bedtimes, ensuring your child gets the right amount of sleep as they grow.
  4. Handling Middle-of-the-Night Wake-ups: Get practical tips on what to do when your baby wakes up at night, helping both of you get back to sleep faster.
  5. Age-Based Sleep Patterns and Habits: Understand what to expect from your baby's sleep at various stages, from newborns to preschoolers.
  6. Creating Effective Sleep Routines: Learn how to establish and maintain sleep routines for children from 1 month old to preschool age.
  7. Debunking Sleep Myths: We address common misconceptions like "Should I let my baby cry it out?" and "Does skipping naps lead to longer nighttime sleep?"

Whether you're a new parent or navigating the preschool years, our course equips you with the knowledge and tools to ensure a good night's sleep for your entire family.

What You need to Know About Hitting + Biting

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Everything feels like a fight: mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, pottytime…
  • You constantly worry you’re doing it "all wrong" for having BIG responses to your child's BIG behavior (pushing, hitting, biting...)
  • You're regularly distressed by your little one’s behavior (and carry around guilt for feeling that way).
  • You wish someone would just tell you what to say and how to say it so your child could stop pushing and hitting others.
  • Feel at your wit’s end.

You are not alone.

You just need clear, effective tools and resources to help you feel like the supportive, loving parent you are. We’re here to help.

No-Stress Potty Process

Our course offers a straightforward and effective plan to make potty training a stress-free experience. We provide clear guidance on exactly what to say and do, ensuring your child successfully learns to use the potty.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert-Backed Techniques: Our methods are backed by child development experts, ensuring they are both effective and child-friendly.
  •  Clear, Step-by-Step Instructions: We offer explicit instructions, leaving no room for guesswork.
  •  Tailored for Busy Parents: We understand that as parents, your time is precious. Our course is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle, offering efficient strategies that work.

One course to tackle the during and after of potty training your little one - all in an easy-to-follow format.

Get lifetime access to all THREE of our early childhood courses:

  1. Simple Sleep Solutions for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
  2. What You Need to Know About Hitting + Biting
  3. The No-Stress Potty Process

Enjoy the comprehensive, research-backed, simple, effective, proven courses and save 15%. Simple as that. 

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