Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Everything feels like a fight: mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, pottytime…
  • You constantly worry you’re doing it "all wrong" for having BIG responses to your child's BIG behavior (pushing, hitting, biting...)
  • You're regularly distressed by your little one’s behavior (and carry around guilt for feeling that way).
  • You wish someone would just tell you what to say and how to say it so your child could stop pushing and hitting others.
  • Feel at your wit’s end.

You are not alone.

You just need clear, effective tools and resources to help you feel like the supportive, loving parent you are. We’re here to help.

It doesn't have to be overwhelming.

Just like everything at Stop Parenting Alone, our course is:

Created by a therapist and a child development expert, we’re giving you strategies that are research-based and backed by science. (In other words: the stuff that *actually* works.)

We're busy moms ourselves, so we know the value of quick, simple strategies that are easy to implement - and that actually work. The course will help you teach your child with confidence.

No prior knowledge or experience needed. This course teaches you everything you need for success, and we do it in a short, bite-sized video that fits your busy schedule.

Get four video modules broken down into bite-sized pieces

We developed the course with your busy schedule (and exhaustion) in mind. The lessons take only a few minutes to watch, and each one includes practical, do-this-not-that takeaways. In them, we're covering:

The Only Hitting-Biting Course You'll Need!

One course to tackle the ins-and-outs of the hitting and biting stage - all in an easy-to-follow format.

  • Practical tools for tackling when your little one hits and bites others AND when they hit or bite themselves
  • Short video you can watch on your own time and at your own pace
  • Printable PDFs full of scripts and resources for understanding (and managing) why your little one is acting out
  • Easy-to-implement strategies so you can handle all the hitting + biting stuff like a pro
  • Lifetime access, so you can revisit the course whenever you like, for as long as you like

Why Learn From Lina Acosta Sandaal?

Lina Acosta Sandaal, MA, LMFT is a psychotherapist, development expert, writer, and founder of Stop Parenting Alone, a parenting education and consulting program in Miami, FL. She is a writer on social emotional learning for Macmillan Education, the human development expert for Telemundo’s national broadcasts and consultant for MomsRising, an advocacy group for family rights in our nation’s capital. Her mission is for all parents to fall in love with their parenting journey.

Happy Parents

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